Bluegrass Guitarpeggios Intro Vid Teaser Pic

Bluegrass Guitarpeggios: My Brand New Course!

I'm extremely proud and excited to announce the release of the latest guitar instructional course in my growing line of guitar products: Bluegrass Guitarpeggios.

Bluegrass Guitarpeggios


Watch the video above to see a special sneak peek into the new course.

It's finally here and if you're a subscriber to my Bluegrass Guitar Essentials mailing list, you've known about me working on a new guitar instructional course for a little while now.

Well, the wait is finally over. Bluegrass Guitarpeggios is finally LIVE and available for purchase!

What Is Bluegrass Guitarpeggios?

To help you better understand the concepts covered in this course, I've put together a list for you.

In this all new, full-length, 40+ lecture course, I'll cover such topics as:

  • How to Incorporate Arpeggios into your Bluegrass Flatpicking solos
  • Using the CAGED Method to create Arpeggios
  • How to use Octave Arpeggio Shapes for better Fretboard Memorization
  • How to Easily Connect Arpeggio Shapes for faster Fretboard Navigation
  • Various Exercises for Practicing Arpeggios for developing Muscle Memory
  • How legendary Bluegrass players such as Tony Rice use arpeggios in their own real-world songs
  • First-hand examples of Using Arpeggios in Popular Bluegrass Fiddle Tunes
Bluegrass Guitarpeggios

What's Included in Bluegrass Guitarpeggios?

My new course is bursting at the seams with loads of included materials. Here's a table I designed to help you better visualize what's included:

Total duration:   3.5h

40+ HD 1080p Video Lectures

additional materials:   pdf, videos, tabs, mp3

Multi-angle videos

Bonus Content

Links, Videos, Neck Diagrams, Jam Tracks

course type

Streaming or Download

Additional Formats (Coming soon)

USB stick & DVD

The Next Phases of Bluegrass Guitarpeggios


As I write this, I'm in the process of finishing the guitar tablature for the final lectures of the course.

You see, although Bluegrass Guitarpeggios is already up and running, I didn't want to wait to release it until I completed all the tabs because it already has so much to offer, and I feel there are enough materials included already to get a good understanding of the concepts covered, even if the tabs aren't entirely completed yet.

The good news is that I cranked out the tabs for Section 4, "Arpeggio Exercise," a few days ago—in only 2 hours! That's very promising because it means I should have all the tabs completed in only a matter of days! And believe me, I'm working hard to achieve this goal.

Here's a sneak peek of what the tabs are looking like so far:

Bluegrass Guitarpeggios Tabs Teaser

Additional Media Formats


I'm already contemplating producing USB and DVD versions of the course. Believe it or not, hard copies of my courses seem to be more popular than their digital counterparts. I guess some customers like to be assured they have a physical copy of their purchases as evidence they actually own it.

Also, not everybody is up-to-date on the latest technology—and some people are just plain scared at all those options, buttons, and commands that come with using a computer. They're more comfortable and familiar with old-school technology. (How sad it is that DVDs and CDs are now considered old-school by today's standards.)

If you're one of these people, rest assured I've got you covered. Beginning next year (after I've had a chance to recuperate from all the video editing, diagram creation, and now tablature creation), I'll begin working on the hard copy versions of Bluegrass Guitarpeggios, hopefully to release them soon after.

The USB version will be a piece of cake to produce compared to the DVD version, so it should be ready in a matter of a few weeks. This is because a USB stick only needs the original video and digital files to work; you can just drag-and-drop them onto your computer. Easy-peasy.

With the DVDs, however, I'll have to hire someone to "author" them. The authoring process involves creating the DVD menus, branding continuity, and making sure everything links together like it should (scenes, chapters, digital course materials, etc.). Definitely not something I can do myself.

Luckily, the company I use for DVD creation and distribution also offers DVD authoring services! I haven't tried them yet for their authoring services, but it's the most logical place to start.

Learn the secrets of #TonyRice's jazzy sound with Eric Beaty's new guitar instructional course: #BluegrassGuitarpeggios! #BGarp #Bluegrass

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Streaming & Download

Right now, the only version of Bluegrass Guitarpeggios available is the Streaming+Download version. But I'm also considering a Download-only versionwithout streaming capabilities.

So, as of right now, the course will come in four different format options to choose from. This ensures there's something to suit everyone's tastes in regards to instructional course formats.

A Final Word on Bluegrass Guitarpeggios

One caveat I feel I must mention before you go right out and buy my new course:

If you're more of a beginner Bluegrass guitarist, I highly recommend checking out my previous course, Bluegrass Guitar Essentials (BGE), before diving into Bluegrass Guitarpeggios, which is targeted more toward Intermediate-Advanced players.

Bluegrass Guitar Essentials on DVD

If, however, you already own BGE, I recommend brushing up on some of the concepts it presents before tackling those covered in Bluegrass Guitarpeggios.

That's all for now. I hope you take a look at my newest course, which offers several free previews of some of the lectures covered. Thanks for all your support, and here's looking forward to a new year of creativity in 2019.

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