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Bluegrass Guitar Essentials “Webisodes”

Streaming & Download (mp4, mp3, & pdf) | Now Available! | First Webisode FREE!

Exciting News! I’ve recently teamed up with the popular online education platform Udemy for a more user-friendly learning experience! Get Bluegrass Guitar Essentials in “Mini” form! On the Webisodes page, you can order the entire course in separate webisodes. If you’re into the latest technology and don’t want to worry about misplacing or breaking discs, you can get instant access to the complete Bluegrass Guitar Essentials course as separate digital downloads.

With Udemy, you have the option of either streaming the webisodes or downloading them. Available in the most popular formats, the download version of the course can be played on virtually any device that accepts mp4, mp3, and pdf formats. This gives you the ability to decide which parts of the course are relevant to what you want to learn, on the device you want to use, allowing for ultimate user control and customization, tailored to your needs!

Note: Be sure to see the Download Tips section for the quickest and most effective ways to receive your downloads. I recommend VLC Media Player for viewing the downloaded video files because it seems to work the best on all platforms. No external video player needed if you’re streaming the webisodes on Udemy.BlueGrassGuitarDVD

Bluegrass Guitar Essentials | DVDs

Now Available!!!

For all us “old school” people, the entire Bluegrass Guitar Essentials course is also available on good old-fashioned DVD. If you’re anything like me, you like to be able to watch videos on your TV, and the easiest way, in my opinion, is still DVD. The companion ebooks and audio files are contained on the discs as well, so you won’t have to worry about lugging around even more items (physical Books & CDs) in your already full guitar gig bag or case.

Just insert the disc into your computer; listen to the backing tracks, licks, and examples; and print out what you need from the ebooks when you need it.


Interested in Electric Guitar?

Now Available!

Totally FREE Guitar Newsletter Video Archives

Just released: My Totally FREE Guitar Newsletter Video Archives!

For years, I provided these videos to my newsletter subscribers. Now, I’m offering all 70+ videos once again in the form of 20 individual video archives! I’ve been considering putting this project together for quite a while now, and I’m proud to finally make it available—this time to the public at large!

Simply watch the videos you want. Once you finish watching them, you’ll have the opportunity to “Pay What You Want” at the end of each video series. This way you can enjoy helpful guitar resources without breaking the bank!

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